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Initialize the Soarchain

We strongly recommend to run the node with cosmovisor, so please refer here ​cosmovisor

Starting the Syncing Process

Once you've set up your Soarchain full node, the next step is to start syncing it with the blockchain. Here's how you can initiate the syncing process:

There are three methods to sync a node:

  1. From genesis
  2. Sync from a Snapshot
  3. Sync with state-sync

From genesis

  1. Open your terminal and ensure you're connected to your server where the Soarchain node is set up.

  2. Execute the following command to start the syncing process:

    soarchaind start --log_level info --minimum-gas-prices=0.0001utsoar
    • This command starts the Soarchain daemon with logging level set to info, providing a moderate amount of log output.
    • The --minimum-gas-prices flag sets the minimum gas prices to 0.0001utsoar, a necessary parameter for transaction processing.

Checking the Status of Syncing

To monitor the progress of your node's syncing with the Soarchain blockchain, use the following command:

  1. In your terminal, while the node is running, open a new terminal session or tab to check the syncing status.

  2. Run this command to check the sync status:

    soarchaind status 
    • You will see various details about the syncing process, including the latest block height your node has synced to.

By following these steps, you can effectively start syncing your Soarchain node and monitor its progress to ensure it is successfully staying up to date with the blockchain.

Binary Upgrades

During the syncing process you will need to replace binaries at the correct height. Please refer to Testnet-Upgrades